Friday, October 30, 2009


I refer to your report, "261 road deaths recorded during Ops Sikap," (nst Sept.29) .It appears that the campaign had not succeeded in changing the 'sikap' or attitude of road users. The recorded death toll was higher than last year's Hari Raya holidays. This not only saddened the government and other Malaysians, but most of all the families of the victims, who must have lost their loved ones and had to spend the festive occasion with tears of sorrow, and 'Tahlil' prayers.
Still, in spite of the frequent announcement of the accidents and death tolls over radio and T.V and strict enforcement by the police and J.P.J, Ops Sikap did not frightened, deter,or changed the attitude of drivers who continued to flout the traffic Rules with impunity.They seemed to be suffering from the 'kiasu' syndrome . The "I must win"," I must not give way," and " I must be first," attitude. Once behind the steering wheel ,they turned into monsters,uncaring, ill mannered ,inconsiderate, and irresponsible ..That was when they broke all rules under the sun, until they were awaken or died in a nasty accident
How then do we changed the attitude of such drivers?. The former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed,suggested in a local Malay daily, that offenders be put to shame by making them stand at road junctions or highways, with their faces painted and holding a board with the words 'I AM A TRAFFIC OFFENDER'. On the other hand the Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hasan gave a negative statement by saying that, drivers will not change their attitude even if a death sentence is imposed. Tan Sri Lim Lam Thye ,Chairman of the National Institute for Occupational and Safety and Health in his letter, " teach them to value their lives" (nst Sept.29) and many other letters ,written by him on this subject, have been falling on deaf ears, Teach them fine, it is easier said than done but who are there to teach, monitor, and enforce , the teaching.The Transport Minister ,Dato Seri Ong Tee Keat, was quoted by a local English daily at the Prime Minister's Hari Raya open house on sept.22 said that he wanted to bring down,the death toll further, and wanted to keep road users on their toes. Instead the drivers put their toes on their accelerators and increased the death toll from 31 on Hari Raya day to 261 at the end of Ops Sikap. Many readers have been writing to this column, suggesting ways on how to change the attitude of drivers,but the authorities do not seem to be interested, and every festive season we hear of rhetorical speeches made by the powers that be on accidents and death tolls, and ended without any positive action being taken. The government should start taking positive action now, if it is serious about reforming and changing the attitude of these drivers. I would like to suggest that the Minister take a look at the existing "Compulsory Attendance Centres, Ordinance or Rules l955.Two centers were built,one beside the Pudu Jail, and the other in front of Penang prison, to cater for offenders sentences under the minor Offences Act l955.These offenders were sent to these centers to undergo reorientation programmes from 5 pm to 9 pm daily. They were not confined behind prison walls and they could keep their jobs and stay in their homes with their families. At the centers they underwent re orientation programmes that included lectures on moral ,religious education, civic mindedness ,etiquette and respect for law and order and ,respect for others .They were taught to be responsible citizen..With amendment, or new legislation to the Road Transport Act, Traffic Offenders could also be sentenced to these centres .For the last decade, we have been talking about the Community Service Order Act, and nothing seemed to materialised . I think it is necessary to have the Act., not only to commit vandels but also traffic offenders, which pose a msajor threat to society.

30th Sept.2009

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