Friday, October 30, 2009


I refer to your report, "Khairi,Stop being defensive," (nst Oct 15 ) While calling on the Malays to get rid of the crutches, and compete with the others on a level playing field, he suggested, that the Government create a Youth Bank "Bank Belia" for the benefit of Malay Youths to get involve in entrepreneur enterprises. It is vital since the youth are facing hardship in finding jobs and demanded that the Government settled their problems immediately, I think it is a tall order that contradicted with his maiden policy speech, calling on the Malays to stop being defensive and relying on the crutches.
If UMNO youth have the civilisational confidence, than they should on their own initiative find ways and means to stand on their own feet without depending on the crutches.Why then the need to have a special bank for the youth,when there are already so many banks and Government agencies that are committed to giving out loans and grants to would be entrepreneurs. I know of many Malay youths who have become successful farmers,,and businessmen on their own initiative. They applied for loans and grants, went for training in various fields, work hard, and were not afraid to dirty their hands, and when they have full confidence, they started their own business. To day they are successful entrepreneurs.
There are more than a million foreign workers in this country, and every one of them are employed, in various fields from plantation and cons traction workers to workers in fast food outlets, petrol stations, hotels, supermarkets and shopping complexes .and yet our youths said that they could not fi nd jobs. I was told by the foreigners that in Malaysia they could pick money on the roads, meaning that it is so easy to find jobs and make money in Malaysia than in their own countries.
UMNO youths with the help of the various banks and government agencies should be able to stand on their own feet and venture into business. There are plenty of opportunities out there .There are 3.4 millions UMNO members in Malaysia, and if each one of them contribute RM1 ringgit each monthly towards a Youth Fund, they would be able to collect RM 3.4 million ringgit a month, and that would add up to RM 40 milluion a year. I am sure all could afford to contribute RM 5 ringgit a month and that would add up to Rm 200 million ringgit a year, and after a couple of years with the help of the Government, it would be enough for UMNO youth to create a CO Operative YOUTH BANK , which not only could go into business,but could also give out loans and other benefits including dividends to members..Allow members to buy a minimum share of Rm 100 ringgit,and I am sure that it would attract more people to become UMNO members Imagine the amount of fund that could be generated. In a decade It could be as strong as Bank Rakyat or Tabong Haji.

16 Oct.2009

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