Friday, October 30, 2009


Many readers have been writing to this
column for many years, criticizing Kuala Lumpur's Public Transport
System, which I think has not shown positive improvement. There has
been endless complaints by not only the Malaysian public, but also
local and foreign tourists, on the inefficiency and deplorable
services provided for by the city's buses and taxis. Buses are often
crowded, especially during peak hours, and with the exception of
RapidKL buses, some of the others are old and dirty, and not handicap
friendly. The time schedules are not always observed, resulting in the
accumulation of people at bus stops. Some bus drivers are rude, and
inconsiderate, talking aloud,shouting and scolding old passengers,
smoking and talking on the hand phones while driving.
Some taxi drivers sometime refused to take
passengers to their destination, refused to use meters, and often
overcharged foreign tourists.They even refused to go on short
distances ,and demanded a fixed rate according to their whims and
Soon there will be a fare hike for buses
and taxis,and this would further infuriate commuters , causing more
dissatisfaction with the city's overall transport system ,leading them
to buy private cars on low interest credit, and would further
contribute to the already congested roads.
Malaysian commuters are not angles either,
we do not queue, at bus stops or train stations.We have this 'KIA SU'
syndrome, , to get into the bus or train first, without bothering to
give ways to the elders, pregnant women, children or the handicap. We
rushed, jolted and pushed our way in order to get in even before
others can get out. The congestion created at the door, gave pick
pockets and sex perverts a field day to do their dirty jobs, without
being caught.
Still with all these inconveniences,public
transport is necessary compliment to car owners,and how how they
wished,they can leave their cars at home, and catch a bus, taxi, or
train to their places of work. To many people this is still the most
convenient way of commuting instead of driving through, the worsening
horrible traffic jam on the city's roads, taking hours to reach their
destinations. It is a nightmare to search for parking lots.Expensive
parking fees and being fined for indiscriminate parking ,burns holes
in their pockets.
I feel that the Transport Ministry and
City Hall should now work hand in glove to positively solve the
problems, and buy over all the privatized bus operators in the city,
and manage the Public Transport System on its own. The services should
be provided FREE within the city limits as it is being done in PERTH
Western Australia.
I was in Perth last week and was amazed
with the city Transperth's CAT (Central Area Transit) buses offering a
fast FREE and convenient means of traveling, in and around the city
(FTZ) Free Transit Zone..Free travel is only permitted within the
(FTZ) and if one travels outside the zone normal fares apply. There
are 3 bus routes , running in circles within the (FTZ) and each route
is covered by, The Red Cat Bus, The Blue Cat Bus, and the Yellow Cat
Bus. Each bus route covers 22 to 35 bus stops and each bus takes 6 to
8 minutes to travel from one bus stop to another. Within three days I
covered all the three bus routes , stopping at tourists spots and
places of interest, shopping complexes, covered by the three routes.
It was a marvelous way to tour and it was FREE. That is how
people in Perth travel to work in the city. There was no traffic jam
even during peak hours.
The bus service is superb, the driver
friendly and very considerate especially towards the handicap, women
and children. People said thank you to the driver when getting off the
bus,and wished the driver "good dye" or good morning when going in.
There was no rush to get in or out, people are polite and
courteous,The buses are specially built to provide for the handicap
with wheel chairs and mothers with prams.
I suggest that the Federal Territory
Minister in The Prime Minister's Department, Dato Raja Nong Chik and
the Minister of Transport and his Officers visit Perth and make a
feasible study of Perth's Central Area Transit System to access
whether it could be implemented in Kuala Lumpur.


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