Friday, October 30, 2009


I refer to your report, "Pudu Prison makes way for traffic",(nst Oct.19) The curtains finally came down on the old legacy, Pudu Jail, and its wall facing Jalan Pudu and part of the execution chambers have been demolished, a couple of weeks ago to make way for traffic. The project is aimed at easing the traffic congestion along Jalan Pudu and Jalan Hang Tuah. While i appreciate the objective of helping motorists to end their daily traffic woos , surely the entire complex does not have to go.
Built by the British in 1895, Pudu Prison, a relic of the Victorian era is set to be completely demolished soon, to make way for more shopping complex.The decision to tear down the 114 year old prison has upset not only war veterans, locally , and overseas, but also the Ex-Prison Officers Association, Malaysia. who wanted part of the prison preserved for nostalgia.
Many NGOs,,historians,, lovers of heritage buildings, and I,an ex- Superintendent of the prison, have been writing many letters and articles on Pudu Jail to the New Straits Times , appealing to the Government and the Urban Development Authority to preserve part of the prison as a National Heritage, Alas they have been falling on deaf ears .
I can understand that UDA will not compromise on the re-development plan. After all it spent millions of ringgit to build a new prison at Sungei Buloh. However I would like to urge, The Malaysian Heritage Board, the Home Affairs , the Tourism,and the Cultural and Heritage Ministeries to appeal to UDA to consider preserving at least the Tower Block Main Gate, with the Administration Building at the back, for the purpose of turning them into a museum of Crime and Punishment.
This could be another landmark reminding Malaysians and tourists of the place, where local and foreign, prisoners and prisoners of war, from Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan were once confined during World War 2.


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