The twitter technology to send out free bursts of information to inform people of any eventualities , should be considered for use by the relevant authorities without further delay as the services are considered useful and helpful to all mobile phone users all over the country.
The Meteorological Department should also use the same technology to distribute weather information to the people especially fishermen and fishing enthusiast so that they can familiarise themselves with local weather conditions before venturing out to sea.
JAKIM ( Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia ) could distribute information on Muslim prayer time, Muslim date month and year, while the Police could provide updates with information on Highway conditions, traffic jam , floods , road closed, detours, etc.
Had there been such a service road users would not have been inconvenienced by being stranded on the Seremben/Kuala Pilah road, when a land slide occurred at Bukit Putus a few day, ago and the road was closed to all traffic.
Radio and television news take a longer time to reach the people while with SMS it is faster, and I feel that the authorities should go for it, as it will benefit all phone users throughout Malaysia.
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