Thursday, April 2, 2009


I refer to the letter,' Involve leaders in change process," (NST Feb.17) from Mariam Mokhtar.
I deeply regret that Islam has been receiving a bashing these days not only from Muslims but also from non Muslims. It is regrettable that their shallow and conflicting views and knowledge of the religion especially among some Malay women led them to believe that they are being discriminated against, and that according to her there are areas in Islam where they do not enjoy equality with males.
Why is it that she chose to blame and involved Islam to highlight all the setbacks or prejudice that causes hardship and resentment among some of them today?. Thats nothing to do with Islam, and I feel that the problems is with the Muslim men and women themselves, who are at loggerhead with one another each trying to compete as to who should wear the pants.
I think it is impossible in all respect for women to be equal with men. That was why Allah created men and then women as their partners. Men are supposed to be the protector and maintainer of women, and women were entrusted with motherhood and parenting .I am not a male chauvanist and neither am I a religious pigot, but what I have said above is an ayat from the Al Koran, which was revealed as a Manifest to show the Muslim Ummah the Right Path, the lawful and unlawful things and set boundaries of Islamic religion.
I am sorry I beg to defer from anyone who says that all religion are the same, NOT with Islam anyway. Islamic monoticem is the belief in the one and only God that is Allah. There is no other God but Allah and all Muslim must believe in Him, the Al Koran, and the Sunnah. All Muslim must hold on steadfast to the Islamic faith. Faith will be meaningful if it is practiced and followed in daily life,because Islam is a way of life. Wearing the hijab is a religious obligation for Muslim women, it is not about being pious or being faithful. Allah only calls on the Believers to oblige , the others can choose not to wear the hijab
not to pray five times a day,not to pay zakat, not to fast during Ramathan ,and not to believe in the Al Koran and Sunnah. There is no compalcion in Islam..

It is untrue when she said that, education, job opportunities scholarships, employment,sports,land and inheritance rights are but a few of the areas where women are prejudice..If we look at the statistics today, 60% of the students in colleges and institution of higher learning are women , 99 % of nurses are women, 80% of teachers are women and there are thousands of the public sector from clerks to top management posts who are women and there are more in the armed forces, and other uniformed services. There are also thousands of women professionals to day than they were 25 years ago. To day women enjoy the same pay with men especially in government service. Thanks to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed the former Prime Minister and Pak Lah our prime Minister who are both strong supporters of women's rights
Since women are fighting for their equal rights, the homes are being left to the maids to take care of the children. ,and that is why juvenile delinquency is on the increase .Today there is not a day that we dont read news of children committing serious crime. Who are to be blame for this.


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