Thursday, April 2, 2009


I refer to the letter from Jane Ooi," A police presence will help," (NST Mac.10 ), and your report," Call to set up auxiliary police unit to tackle bullies ," (NST MAC.7 ). While I have my reservation about the suggestion to set up such unit, what more a detention center in schools, I feel that the Ministry of Education , The Parent Teachers Associations,and the School Boards, should first study the legal aspects of the ideas, whether it is legal, practical or the need to implement such proposals in our schools.
People especially foreigners should not have the perception that our schools are akin to Juvenile Detention Centers . Besides I am sure the police does not have the manpower to provide such services to all schools in the country.
True indiscipline among some school children ,in some schools, are getting out of hands and the teachers seem helpless to tackle the complex problems themselves, for fear of reprisal from both parents and students, who are more daring and " KURANG AJAR " today, than we were before. They even dare to damage teachers' cars, abuse them with filthy language, and at times even assaulted them. So it is unfair to blame the teachers alone.

My suggestion which I think is more practical and the police presence is not to obvious, is to enlist
the school discipline teachers as trained auxiliary police officers. They should wear the police uniform while in schools, and with the help of the school police cadets or prefects, oversee to the school discipline. Its objective is to induce in students the respect for law and order , regard for property, love for their parents, teachers and fellows students.

Sacking of students from schools is not going to help them reform, and I still feel that the schooling and home aspect should never be neglected, and if these fail, they should be recommended to be sent to reform school such as the Henry Gurney Schools for being beyond parental control.The teachers and officers of the schools are trained to break even the hardest of gangsters and bullies. Believe me I was the Officer in charge of Henry Gurney School II, Bandar Hilir, Melaka from 1960 to l970.Students who are committed to the schools will be able to continue their education till form five or even six.


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