Friday, January 8, 2010



I am saddened by what has happened in the suspension bridge tragedy, because not only has innocent lives been lost, but it also tarnishes, the image of the Education Ministry, teachers in particular, and the newly born 1 Malaysia concept, mooted out by the Prime Minister, so much so that, the Perak opposition State assemblymen wanted all the 1 Malaysia camps suspended in view of the tragic incident. "opposition hold their own "sitting"," (nst Oct. 29 ).
I think this ridiculous political motivated decision is uncalled for. Does it means that when a plane crashed with 230 passengers on board killed, people should be stopped from flying?.
As usual in the aftermath of a tragedy, there will be so many individuals ,non-governmental organizations, and politicians,figure-pointing at the authorities and developers responsible for the construction of the project. Almost all will emphasis on the physical aspects of safety. like whether the project
was supervised and inspected by the Public Works Department,or a Fit to Use certificate issued by the relevant authorities,,or if there was an element of corruption, or was there a Notice Board or a Signage put up to warn the public on the use of the bridge, etc. etc.
Our former Prime Minister,Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, after the Highland Towers tragedy, warned that there was a need for a comprehensive study of any construction and development of public projects. The security aspects should not be compromised. The authorities must not be lulled into a false sense of security and must learn from all the tragedies that has happened. I wonder whether the warning has been taken seriously or not.
So much so, as far as Physical aspects of security are concerned, but we seem to be neglecting the practical aspects of security one that should be taught and practiced , by the people especially school children who are venerable to all sorts of accidents, I am more concerned about school children being taught to queue at bus stops, train stations,toilets, school canteens, ticket booths, etc. to let others come down first before alighting a bus or train..They should not be standing on doorways, putting their heads and hands out of the bus's windows, and running and playing while the bus is moving.
When was the last time a fire drill held in schools and school hostels? Are children taught how to leave the classrooms, halls, or hostels. when there is a fire or any disasters ? Do children rushed out of their classrooms when the bell rang, or do they leave in an orderly manner, starting from the first row followed by the others in single file? Children will be children, and while in schools they should be strictly supervised and disciplined. I believe that discipline at home as well as in schools will create an awareness of the practical aspects of security I feel that the Parent Teachers Associations, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and health should seriously play their roles to oversee to the implementation of the practical aspect of security in all schools in Malaysia
If only precautions were taken and the children were supervised strictly to stand in single file and then allowed to cross the bridge five at a time with a teacher standing guard in the middle of the bridge and two others at both end of the bridge, the suspension bridge tragedy could have been averted
I would like to refer to the letter by Zahidi Ahmad,"were there enough safety measures?," (nst Oct.30 where he mentioned about how his children studying in England were strictly supervised at every school outing. I suggest that the Education Ministry take a cue from this system, so that parents will have more confidence in allowing their children to attend future 1 Malaysia camps.


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