I refer to your report," Stop giving victims only sardines," (nst Dec.22)
Instead of asking the State Welfare Department, who is not a food producer, to stop giving mostly sardines to flood victims, The Deputy Agro-based Industry Minister, Datuk Mohd Johari Baharom, should come out with a positive suggestion, on how to improve the type of food, and effective ways of distributing food and other necessary items to flood victims.
Besides other natural disasters, Flood has become a yearly phenomena beginning with heavy rainfalls almost everyday from December to January. However the authorities like Fire & Rescue Services Department, police, Civil Defence, Rela and the Army, were always ready to evacuate victims to relief centres, where they would be supplied with food, blankets and other necessities. These were sometime not enough,or did not reach the victims especially those in remote areas, causing hardship to the them.
In times of need and hardship ,the State government, members of Parliament,and ,State Assemblymen should answer the call of the Prime Minister, "Rakyat di Dahulukan dan Pencapaian di Utamakan", by going on the ground., to access the damaged and help the victims overcome their suffering.
Muslims all over the world, including Malaysia have just celebrated, "Hari Raya Quarban", and there is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Quarbani then the sacrificing of animals to be distributed to the poor. In Malaysia thousands of animals, costing millions of ringgit were sacrificed , and the meat distributed to the poor to be consumed within three days..
In this respect I would like to suggest that the Government urges the relevant Ministries, or Muslim Aid Malaysia to emulate, Muslim Aid Australia by collecting donations for Qrabani and part or all of the Quarbani meat be canned. Canned Quarbani meat could be seen as the most viable alternative for distribution to flood or other natural disasters victims as they provide longer shelf life allowing the victims to sustain their families for a longer period.
Instead of only sardines foe weeks which could be boring they could at least enjoy canned mutton curry or kurma, canned corn beef, and various types of rendang and beef curries.
May I suggest that the Deputy Minister initiates the move with a political will, that could fulfill the aims of Rakyat Didahulukan dan Pencapaian Diutamakan.
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