Friday, January 8, 2010



It is alarming that Malaysia is now in top 5 for HIV cases with (80,000) people infected (nst Dec, .2) In the first six months of this year 315 people died of the dreadful disease (nst Dec.1) , and surprisingly, most (297) of the HIV infectious cases were people from "Serambi Mekah",,a Muslim State of Kelantan where the people are supposed to be holier than others, and with strict morality norm. This goes to show that the lack of religious education may not be the reason why Malaysian men visit prostitutes.
Contrary to popular belief, more people are now dying due to HIV/AIDS, through sexual transmitted diseases, rather than through drug related cases. Like drugs of various types, foreign and local prostitutes of various races are also easily and freely available in Malaysia today then ever before. It has become so easy for foreign women to enter the country as students, maids, or tourists, and later became sex workers. Even maids who are given weekends off are now going into the flesh trade business, without the knowledge of their employers. If the maids get pregnant, then there is every possibility that male members of the family in the house would be a prime suspect, which could lead to family dispute.
I think it is only natural that some irresponsible men are easily attracted to try a new menu in town , especially those of "Ipoh Mali", or fresh from China, without fear of contracting the slow death disease. Worse of all they could transmit the disease to their spouses or girl friends, and babies could be born with HIV. Thus increasing the number of HIV/AIDS case in Malaysia.
Prostitution is a lucrative business since time in memorial, and some women, gay men and transvestites, took the opportunity to trade their God given asset for a living. Today there is not a night that I missed seeing T>V news of the authorities raiding, massage parlors, pubs,karaoke lounges, night clubs, shady hotels, private clubs and homes, where foreign women were arrested for their illegal activities. Most of these women were from China, and they are often referred to as China Dolls which of course are in great demands, not only among local pimps, Malaysian men, but also foreign tourists who presume that Kuala Lumpur is now a city of "Happening" or a Red Light City, which is an insult to a respected Muslim Country.
Kudus to the police, Immigration, Rela, and the Religious Departments for their tireless effort in conducting nightly raids on these premises to arrest the women and most probable deport them, thus reducing the number of prostitutes in the country
On another note I am very disappointed with the Minister of Tourism ,Dato Seri Ng Yen Yen, who proposed that the Government reduce the visa fees for tourists from China from RM350/- to RM50? ringguit. This would of course encourage more Chinese tourists to visit Malaysia she added. I wonder what type of Chinese tourists she is expecting to come. Surely Malaysia could do well to welcome more rich businessmen, traders, merchants, golfers, honeymooners, and genuine tourists, who could afford the visa fees and also spend their Yuan here rather than the influx of China Dolls coming here to rake our ringgit away.
I hope the Cabinet will not reduce the visa fees, and if necessary amend The Immigration Act to give more clout to the officers to stop single women, or Malaysian men bringing in temporary foreign wives especially from China, Thailand, and the Philippines to work as sex slaves. Otherwise I am afraid HIV/AIDS will be spreading like wild fire ,that could hamper the progress of vision 2020.




I am saddened by what has happened in the suspension bridge tragedy, because not only has innocent lives been lost, but it also tarnishes, the image of the Education Ministry, teachers in particular, and the newly born 1 Malaysia concept, mooted out by the Prime Minister, so much so that, the Perak opposition State assemblymen wanted all the 1 Malaysia camps suspended in view of the tragic incident. "opposition hold their own "sitting"," (nst Oct. 29 ).
I think this ridiculous political motivated decision is uncalled for. Does it means that when a plane crashed with 230 passengers on board killed, people should be stopped from flying?.
As usual in the aftermath of a tragedy, there will be so many individuals ,non-governmental organizations, and politicians,figure-pointing at the authorities and developers responsible for the construction of the project. Almost all will emphasis on the physical aspects of safety. like whether the project
was supervised and inspected by the Public Works Department,or a Fit to Use certificate issued by the relevant authorities,,or if there was an element of corruption, or was there a Notice Board or a Signage put up to warn the public on the use of the bridge, etc. etc.
Our former Prime Minister,Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, after the Highland Towers tragedy, warned that there was a need for a comprehensive study of any construction and development of public projects. The security aspects should not be compromised. The authorities must not be lulled into a false sense of security and must learn from all the tragedies that has happened. I wonder whether the warning has been taken seriously or not.
So much so, as far as Physical aspects of security are concerned, but we seem to be neglecting the practical aspects of security one that should be taught and practiced , by the people especially school children who are venerable to all sorts of accidents, I am more concerned about school children being taught to queue at bus stops, train stations,toilets, school canteens, ticket booths, etc. to let others come down first before alighting a bus or train..They should not be standing on doorways, putting their heads and hands out of the bus's windows, and running and playing while the bus is moving.
When was the last time a fire drill held in schools and school hostels? Are children taught how to leave the classrooms, halls, or hostels. when there is a fire or any disasters ? Do children rushed out of their classrooms when the bell rang, or do they leave in an orderly manner, starting from the first row followed by the others in single file? Children will be children, and while in schools they should be strictly supervised and disciplined. I believe that discipline at home as well as in schools will create an awareness of the practical aspects of security I feel that the Parent Teachers Associations, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and health should seriously play their roles to oversee to the implementation of the practical aspect of security in all schools in Malaysia
If only precautions were taken and the children were supervised strictly to stand in single file and then allowed to cross the bridge five at a time with a teacher standing guard in the middle of the bridge and two others at both end of the bridge, the suspension bridge tragedy could have been averted
I would like to refer to the letter by Zahidi Ahmad,"were there enough safety measures?," (nst Oct.30 where he mentioned about how his children studying in England were strictly supervised at every school outing. I suggest that the Education Ministry take a cue from this system, so that parents will have more confidence in allowing their children to attend future 1 Malaysia camps.




I refer to your report," Community Service awaits NS dodgers," (nst Nov.15) I wonder how the National Service Training Department is going to impose the Community Service Order ( CSO ) on dodgers of the National Service ( NS ) training programme, when the provisions in the CSO itself, I think is not yet fully or legally enacted.
Although an amendment has been made to the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC ) Section 293 (1) (e) which introduced the CSO in 2006, as an alternative to imprisonment, is it already fully workable ,in view of the absence of proper provisions and programmes to implement it effectively, namely:
The minimum or maximum number of hours the offender must work per day. The number of weeks or months the offender must serve. Which department is to supervise.Where will the offender be accommodated. Will he be paid for the services..Must he wears a special uniform. What type of work will he be doing.Is he insured against injury or death. These are but some of the provisions that should be considered and legally enacted before the CSO could be implemented.
Community Service Order is a non-custodial penalty that should only be imposed by the court, requiring offenders to carry out unpaid work in the community under the supervision of a probation or welfare officer. We have been talking about the CSO for more than a couple of decades, and yet it has not been implemented.
Legislators have been inclined to design custodial sentences for every minor and major offences, as they are both punitive and deterrent in nature. The absence of community-based punitive strategies as an alternative to imprisonment has led to imprisonment being used as the sentence of first resort. This has resulted in serious overcrowding in our prisons.
In my view the community-based custodial system not only offers the best solution to prison overcrowding, but also the offences are not registrable and as such would not have criminal records, and at the same time makes recompense to the society the offender has wronged by serving it unpaid over time in ways and for periods determined as a criminal sentence.
I think Malaysia could do well to study the CSO system or model as practiced by the United Kingdom, Australia, and nearer home, Singapore and Hong Kong.It would be better if the CSO could be blended into the Malaysian Criminal Justice System, so that it may be extended to a wider swath of offenders as a punishment for vandalism, Traffic offenders, Mat Rempit and polluters who throw rubbish indiscriminately.
The community service order contains variable elements of reform and retribution, Perhaps the humiliating experience should be enough to deter even the most hardcore Vandals, litterbugs, traffic offenders and Mat Rempit.




I refer to your report, "Air Asia awaits nod for flight to Jeddah (nst. Nov. 18) Kudos to Air Asia one of the top 50 most innovative companies in the world.The news is certainly the sound of music to the ears of all Muslims, especially in Malaysia who hopefully will be able to enjoy low fare flights to the City.
I applaud the Chief Executive Officer of Air Asia, Dato Seri Tony Farnandes for his proposal to fly to Jeddah, a city frequented by Malaysian Muslims to perform the UMRAH in the Holy City Of Mecca, which is a couple of hours drive from Jeddah.
When Air Asia flew to Abu Dabi recently, I was thinking why not Jeddah, the city that will definitely attracts thousands of pilgrims going for UMRAH, everyday throughout the year. It looks like my prayer had been answered , and now I am sure Muslim in the country will be praying hard for the landing rights to be sanctioned, by the Saudi Arabian government which will allow Muslims to perform the UMRAH on an affordable fare or packages.
I hope Air Asia besides having other holiday packages to all its destinations will also have 'GO UMRAH' packages to Mecca and other Flight + Hotels packages to Jeddah. I am looking forward to be one among the first passengers on its inaugural flight.




I refer to your report," Winning voice, A song to match," (nst Nov.22 ). The saying ," If music be the food of love - play on. I think the metaphor is most apt able in as far as Malaysia is concerned, because I am sure, in a way, Malay songs Sung by non-Malays, has been one of the contributory factors that has fostered National Unity. Now quite a large number of non Malays like Malay songs especially the younger generation.

If non-Malay bands could play Malay music and the singers could sing Malay songs,sometimes better than the Malays, and then made a name for themselves in the highly competitive Malay song industry, I see no reasons why Malay singers could not do the same and be successful in their ventures.

We cannot deny the fact that, there are top Malay singers, like Dato Siti Norhaliza, Dato Sharifah Aini, Dato Yusni, Adibah Noor, and many others who can sing very well in English, Mandarin, Japenese, Hindi and even Tamil. Unfortunately they never made it to the top, simply because they have not been exposed, in road shows, stage shows, in night clubs, in discos and pubs. With the exception of Dato Sharifah Aini, who made and English Album, the others have not.. Besides they have not receive enough publicity over TVs and Radio. As far as I know there is only one English mucical show on TV called, Down Memory Lane, hosted by Dato Yusni, or Juli Sudero.

I suggest that local TV and radio stations produce reality shows on TVs requiring Malay singers to sing in English, Mandarin, Hindi or Tamil. If these singers are well trained to sing in other languages and given publicity and exposure over TV and Radio, stage shows at various functions, I am sure they will make it to the top of the chart, in non Malay song industry in the same time promote the 1 Malaaysia concept.




It is alarming that Malaysia is now in top 5 for HIV cases with (80,000) people infected (nst Dec, .2) In the first six months of this year 315 people died of the dreadful disease (nst Dec.1) , and surprisingly, most (297) of the HIV infectious cases were people from "Serambi Mekah",,a Muslim State of Kelantan where the people are supposed to be holier than others, and with strict morality norm. This goes to show that the lack of religious education may not be the reason why Malaysian men visit prostitutes.
Contrary to popular belief, more people are now dying due to HIV/AIDS, through sexual transmitted diseases, rather than through drug related cases. Like drugs of various types, foreign and local prostitutes of various races are also easily and freely available in Malaysia today then ever before. It has become so easy for foreign women to enter the country as students, maids, or tourists, and later became sex workers. Even maids who are given weekends off are now going into the flesh trade business, without the knowledge of their employers. If the maids get pregnant, then there is every possibility that male members of the family in the house would be a prime suspect, which could lead to family dispute.
I think it is only natural that some irresponsible men are easily attracted to try a new menu in town , especially those of "Ipoh Mali", or fresh from China, without fear of contracting the slow death disease. Worse of all they could transmit the disease to their spouses or girl friends, and babies could be born with HIV. Thus increasing the number of HIV/AIDS case in Malaysia.
Prostitution is a lucrative business since time in memorial, and some women, gay men and transvestites, took the opportunity to trade their God given asset for a living. Today there is not a night that I missed seeing T>V news of the authorities raiding, massage parlors, pubs,karaoke lounges, night clubs, shady hotels, private clubs and homes, where foreign women were arrested for their illegal activities. Most of these women were from China, and they are often referred to as China Dolls which of course are in great demands, not only among local pimps, Malaysian men, but also foreign tourists who presume that Kuala Lumpur is now a city of "Happening" or a Red Light City, which is an insult to a respected Muslim Country.
Kudus to the police, Immigration, Rela, and the Religious Departments for their tireless effort in conducting nightly raids on these premises to arrest the women and most probable deport them, thus reducing the number of prostitutes in the country
On another note I am very disappointed with the Minister of Tourism ,Dato Seri Ng Yen Yen, who proposed that the Government reduce the visa fees for tourists from China from RM350/- to RM50? ringguit. This would of course encourage more Chinese tourists to visit Malaysia she added. I wonder what type of Chinese tourists she is expecting to come. Surely Malaysia could do well to welcome more rich businessmen, traders, merchants, golfers, honeymooners, and genuine tourists, who could afford the visa fees and also spend their Yuan here rather than the influx of China Dolls coming here to rake our ringgit away.
I hope the Cabinet will not reduce the visa fees, and if necessary amend The Immigration Act to give more clout to the officers to stop single women, or Malaysian men bringing in temporary foreign wives especially from China, Thailand, and the Philippines to work as sex slaves. Otherwise I am afraid HIV/AIDS will be spreading like wild fire ,that could hamper the progress of vision 2020.



Hardly a week passed, when the husband of a snatch theft victim died in the incident at Taman Maluri, Kuala Lumpur, another two cases were reported, one in Johore Bahru, when the handbag of a security guard was snatched away, and another in Bangi when a nurse lost her purse to a snatch thief at knife point, Later he rang her up and demanded RM 500 or else he would kill her. (nst Dec.12)
The phenomena is getting from bad to worse. Snatch thieves are getting bolder and dared threatened their victims with death, if their demands were not met.
People are still asking the same million dollar question, how many deaths are going to occur, before the relevant authorities decide on action to put an end to this serious crime. They even demanded for heavier punishment, even a death sentence for snatch thieves.
We already have harsh laws in our criminal justice system, from sentences of imprisonment for a day to natural life, to whipping and hanging, and yet people do not seem to be deterred. Still ,kidnapping, drug smuggling, human trafficking,prostitution , robbery, murder, rape, and above all snatch thieves are on the rise..
While I agree that snatch thieves should be charged for robbery and received a heavier or maximum sentence to deter them from repeat offence, the courts may consider mitigation factors when the accused pleaded for leniency due to personal and compassionate grounds. Thus in a recent conviction of a snatch thief, a guard received only a six year sentence and a lecture from the judge, instead of the maximum sentence of 20 years plus caning ( nst Dec. 9 ).Minus two years for remission, the accused had only to serve four years, which is very light, considering the severity of the offence.
On the other hand how many of these snatch thieves who caused death to their victims have been arrested so far? We all know that it would be difficult for the police to apprehend them for lack of evidence and witnesses. Even the victim after a robbery would be too shocked to cry help let alone take the number of the motorbike.
There are so many policewomen in the force, and I feel that its about time the police make use of them as decoy to arrest these snatch thieves in action. Ops decoy should be launched all over the country and lets see more policemen in civilian patrol the streets on motorbikes . I am sure the snatch thieves will think twice before robbing a woman. with handbags..
The Crime prevention Association, should play its role by advising women not to carry handbags with a lot of cash, jewelry credit and bank cards, address book and hand phones. They should carry MyKad in their pockets ,walk in pairs against traffic. They should always be alert, and be sencetive to the sound of motorbikes .Above all every woman should guard themselves from being robbed, because we simply cannot depend on the police to be everywhere to protect them.
I feel that the government should not ignor public outcry for effective enforcement of the laws and their demand for publuic protection, otherwise it will create a society with bottled up imotions which is dangerous. That is why sometimes we see the public taking the law into their own hands by beating caught snatch thieves to death .



I refer to your report," Stop giving victims only sardines," (nst Dec.22)
Instead of asking the State Welfare Department, who is not a food producer, to stop giving mostly sardines to flood victims, The Deputy Agro-based Industry Minister, Datuk Mohd Johari Baharom, should come out with a positive suggestion, on how to improve the type of food, and effective ways of distributing food and other necessary items to flood victims.
Besides other natural disasters, Flood has become a yearly phenomena beginning with heavy rainfalls almost everyday from December to January. However the authorities like Fire & Rescue Services Department, police, Civil Defence, Rela and the Army, were always ready to evacuate victims to relief centres, where they would be supplied with food, blankets and other necessities. These were sometime not enough,or did not reach the victims especially those in remote areas, causing hardship to the them.
In times of need and hardship ,the State government, members of Parliament,and ,State Assemblymen should answer the call of the Prime Minister, "Rakyat di Dahulukan dan Pencapaian di Utamakan", by going on the ground., to access the damaged and help the victims overcome their suffering.
Muslims all over the world, including Malaysia have just celebrated, "Hari Raya Quarban", and there is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Quarbani then the sacrificing of animals to be distributed to the poor. In Malaysia thousands of animals, costing millions of ringgit were sacrificed , and the meat distributed to the poor to be consumed within three days..
In this respect I would like to suggest that the Government urges the relevant Ministries, or Muslim Aid Malaysia to emulate, Muslim Aid Australia by collecting donations for Qrabani and part or all of the Quarbani meat be canned. Canned Quarbani meat could be seen as the most viable alternative for distribution to flood or other natural disasters victims as they provide longer shelf life allowing the victims to sustain their families for a longer period.
Instead of only sardines foe weeks which could be boring they could at least enjoy canned mutton curry or kurma, canned corn beef, and various types of rendang and beef curries.
May I suggest that the Deputy Minister initiates the move with a political will, that could fulfill the aims of Rakyat Didahulukan dan Pencapaian Diutamakan.



Tan Sri Mohd Ismail Merican's letter," Urban poor need shot in the arm." which is self explanatory, couldn't come at a better time than the start of the New Year.
However I feel that the Ministry of Health could have given a better and positive explanations on the concept of the 1 Malaysia clinics earlier, before the others out of sheer ignorance gave negative feedback on the role of the 1 Malaysia clinics, thus confusing the Rakyat.
I agree that rural Malaysians receives better health care than their poorer urban counterpart. Many developing countries rural areas are often neglected in as far as rural health care is concerned, but not so in Malaysia.
Since Merdeka more than 52 years ago, the Malaysian Government established more than 3,000 rural health clinics and hundreds of Mobile clinics nationwide and since then they were all manned, by Dressers or Hospital Assistant, now Medical Assistant, staff nurses, trained midwives cum "Jururawat Desa" or rural nurse.
Today every Malaysian,in the rural areas including foreign workers in plantations and estates has access to some primary health care. I think it is only fair now that our caring government wants the urban poor to be treated equally with their counterpart in the rural areas.
Malaysia have won kudos for its rural health care programme from not only underdeveloped third countries, but also from developed countries and the World Health Organization (WHO)
I have no qualms about the establishment of the 1 Malaysia clinics for the urban poor, but I am just curious as to who are the urban poor we are referring to. Is it single mothers with many children, OKUs ,orphans,bedridden invalids, senior citizens without income, beggars, vagabonds, illegal immigrants, and those poor Malaysian migrating from the rural areas to the cities in search of jobs.?
What I am afraid is that these clinics will be filled with foreign beggars, vagabonds, and thousands of illegal immigrants , living in illegal settlements in and around the cities.. Most of them are infected with tuberculosis, malaria,hepatitis, and venereal diseases, and without proper care and enforcement, housing, sanitation, electricity, water, drainage,and roads, these settlements will be the center for the spread of diseases .
This is a cause for concern, and an urgent need to recognize and classify the Malaysian urban poor by issuing them with a special identification card to singled them out from the others.
I strongly feel that instead of spending millions of ringgit to build or rent the 1 Malaysia clinics, and equipping them with staff, medicine, medical equipments, and the monthly payment of staff salaries, rent,and , utility bills , I suggest that the Ministry of Health, sign a (MOU) with chosen under utilized private clinics all over the cities and make use of them as the 1 Malaysia clinics, which are easily accessible to the urban poor. These clinics could be appointed as panels to the government to treat the urban poor.for which the government pays a minimum of RM 25 ringgit per patient.
Another option would be for the government to share the rent of these private clinics and the cost of medicine and provide Medical Assistant, and staff nurse to work in shifts to assist the doctor at the clinics. The urban poor patients will receive free treatment. This would be an advantage to the doctor as his clinic will be taken care of by the Medical Assistant or the Staff Nurse, whenever he is away on leave or sick leave.
It would be better still if the government build more Community Health Centers like the one in Kelana Jaya in urban areas or in the outskirts of the cities, which could be accessible to more people of the lower income groups including the urban poor. or increased the number of fully equipped mobile clinics to serve people living in low cost flats, kampongs and villages around the cities. I think these are cost effective and could save the government millions of ringgit if implemented.