It is alarming that Malaysia is now in top 5 for HIV cases with (80,000) people infected (nst Dec, .2) In the first six months of this year 315 people died of the dreadful disease (nst Dec.1) , and surprisingly, most (297) of the HIV infectious cases were people from "Serambi Mekah",,a Muslim State of Kelantan where the people are supposed to be holier than others, and with strict morality norm. This goes to show that the lack of religious education may not be the reason why Malaysian men visit prostitutes.
Contrary to popular belief, more people are now dying due to HIV/AIDS, through sexual transmitted diseases, rather than through drug related cases. Like drugs of various types, foreign and local prostitutes of various races are also easily and freely available in Malaysia today then ever before. It has become so easy for foreign women to enter the country as students, maids, or tourists, and later became sex workers. Even maids who are given weekends off are now going into the flesh trade business, without the knowledge of their employers. If the maids get pregnant, then there is every possibility that male members of the family in the house would be a prime suspect, which could lead to family dispute.
I think it is only natural that some irresponsible men are easily attracted to try a new menu in town , especially those of "Ipoh Mali", or fresh from China, without fear of contracting the slow death disease. Worse of all they could transmit the disease to their spouses or girl friends, and babies could be born with HIV. Thus increasing the number of HIV/AIDS case in Malaysia.
Prostitution is a lucrative business since time in memorial, and some women, gay men and transvestites, took the opportunity to trade their God given asset for a living. Today there is not a night that I missed seeing T>V news of the authorities raiding, massage parlors, pubs,karaoke lounges, night clubs, shady hotels, private clubs and homes, where foreign women were arrested for their illegal activities. Most of these women were from China, and they are often referred to as China Dolls which of course are in great demands, not only among local pimps, Malaysian men, but also foreign tourists who presume that Kuala Lumpur is now a city of "Happening" or a Red Light City, which is an insult to a respected Muslim Country.
Kudus to the police, Immigration, Rela, and the Religious Departments for their tireless effort in conducting nightly raids on these premises to arrest the women and most probable deport them, thus reducing the number of prostitutes in the country
On another note I am very disappointed with the Minister of Tourism ,Dato Seri Ng Yen Yen, who proposed that the Government reduce the visa fees for tourists from China from RM350/- to RM50? ringguit. This would of course encourage more Chinese tourists to visit Malaysia she added. I wonder what type of Chinese tourists she is expecting to come. Surely Malaysia could do well to welcome more rich businessmen, traders, merchants, golfers, honeymooners, and genuine tourists, who could afford the visa fees and also spend their Yuan here rather than the influx of China Dolls coming here to rake our ringgit away.
I hope the Cabinet will not reduce the visa fees, and if necessary amend The Immigration Act to give more clout to the officers to stop single women, or Malaysian men bringing in temporary foreign wives especially from China, Thailand, and the Philippines to work as sex slaves. Otherwise I am afraid HIV/AIDS will be spreading like wild fire ,that could hamper the progress of vision 2020.