Wednesday, November 11, 2009



I refer to your report, " 'Potong", ad review for being vulgar," (nst Nov.11 ) I feel sorry for some members of Parliament, who have nothing better to do than to raise question on the word 'potong' used in an advertisement which was aired over television and radio. According to Datuk Mohamad Aziz (BN Sri Gading ) the word ' potong ' brings a vulgar connotation, as it is a colloquial way of expressing the act of circumcision.

I wonder, since when the word ' potong ' or the act of circumcision itself became vulgar? As far as I know every Muslim boy has to be circumcised , as it is his religious obligation, and there is nothing vulgar about it.It is an open secret and nothing to be ashamed of. Muslim parents before every school holidays will openly discussed among family members, relatives and friends to fix a date for a kenduri and the circumcision ceremony of their sons.. Sometime a group circumcision is organized by mosques, or government departments. and it is often shown on television. There were no public outcry, and why cry wolf over this particular advertisement?

Now what if an ice cream company, advertises its ice-cream 'potong' showing a girl sucking the ice-cream and said " wow its the best ice-cream ' potong ' in the world. Is that vulgar? I think it is a matter of interpretation, and it depends on how one looks,feel, and think about it, and not everyone will have the same narrow-minded interpretation.

If the advertisement has passed the strict censorship code imposed by the National Censorship Board than it should be allowed to advertise on television as usual, without fear or favour.


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