Thursday, June 18, 2009


I refer to the letter, "There is just no escape from the red tape," by Dr. A Soorian (NST OCT>21)
It is regrettable that the writer failed to understand the simple Rule of Law by bringing up this trivial matter, which states that all applications for Death Certificate should be submitted within the first seven days of the date of death. There must be reasons for this. To say that the mourning parties are preoccupied with prayers etc. is I think a lame excuse.
If police report and the Burial Certificate could be obtained on the same day, I see no reason why someone could not spend a couple of hours just to collect the Death Certificate on any day within the week of death
Penalty for late application of certificates or late payment of bills are common We all have to pay penalty for late payment of our parking tickets, summons ,Cukai tanah, cukai taksiran and credit card bills etc. and if our electricity ,water supply,or telephone , Astro, and internet lines are cut off for late payment, we have to pay reconnecting fees, which can cost us from RM 20 to RM 100 ringgit. So what is RM 25 ringgit for a late application of Death Certificate compared to RM 35 to 50 ringgit to get a cough syrup and panadol from a local clinic.
It should be realised that Rule of Laws cannot be made to suit everyones taste. To suggest that the time frame to be extended to at least a month is a waste of time. Some Malaysians are in the habit of waiting till the last moment to do anything withen the frame work of the Rule of Law


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