Thursday, January 8, 2009


Some senior citizens would probably remember that during the emergency from 1948-l960, many communist terrorists were shot dead by our security forces and their dead bodies were placed at the back of police land rovers, to be taken to the police station, where they would be photographed and fingerprinted for record purposes. They were later placed at the back of the land rovers and taken to the hospital for burial .
I used to see pairs and sometimes more than one pair of feet protruding out of the back of the land rover. There were no body bags then and the bullet riddled bodies covered with blood could be seen by the public as they passed through the villages and towns.
Today 50 years after the end of the emergency, I am sad to say that, we still see the same scenario , when dead bodies of murdered and accident victims were placed at the back of uncovered police land rovers to be taken to the hospital mortuary for a post - mortem .Criminals shot dead by the police are also carried in the same vehicles. Only this time they are all put in body bags.
. . What I am implying here is that, shouldn't the police be more courteous by separating murdered and accident victims from dead criminals. Murdered and accident victims are not criminals and as such they should be afforded a decent transportation like a covered vans, hearse, or coroner's ambulance, like in the United States and United Kingdom.
I hope the police , in their re branding exercise consider buying such vehicles for use at least inthe towns and cities. Lets have some respect for the dead


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