Saturday, November 22, 2008



I refer to the letter,'Too Sweeping a comparison', by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar (NST Nov.10).The letter is self explanatory and critics should read it between the lines before making anymore shallow and superficial comments about ethnic politics in Malaysia.
It took a non white African American Barack Obama more than 200 years to become the 44th President of the United States of America, Since Colombus discovered America in 1492, almost 516 years ago, none of the native Red Indian, ever became a governor or President of the United States
The Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong remarked that,I quote 'Singapore not ready for non Chinese
P.M (NST NOV. 10) , Malaysia too I believe is not ready for a non Malay P.M . The reasons given by him are similar,and on this side of the causeway ,Malays made up almost 70% of the population of Malaysia.
I dont think talking about Malay supremacy is in bad taste. It is not about one race becoming the master while the others as slaves as written by Sue Thomas (nst letters Nov.10).Malay supremacy is about the survival of the Malay race itself. If the Malays are not making an effort to improve all aspects of their economic, educational,social,political, culture,language and religious activities, they will no longer be relevant in their own country. It is only natural that the Malays have to uphold their supremacy , for fear of becoming like their brothers in a neighbouring country ,or like the natives of America, Australia, Hawaii and Fiji where the immigrants became the master and the natives became tourists' attraction
Malaysian of other ethnic groups must understand that Ketuanan Melayu, must be always upheld, not to threaten or surpress others.but to remind forgetful Malays of the importance of uplifting themselves worthy of the name Ketuanan Melayu
However lets not turn it into a political issue anymore, and I would like againto quote the remarked of Singapore's P.M " Its possible, it depends on how people vote on who has the confidence of the population,' and with that note it is also possible in the future to have an Indian, Chinese, Sikh,Kadazan,Orang Asli or Dayak Prime Minister of Malaysia.


I refer to the letter," A Landmark rescued", by D.M Ponnusamy (NST Nov.5). I wonder whether the Taiping railway station and warehouse ,built in 1881, which are among the many 'first' in the country, has also been declared as one of the many heritage buildings in the town. Like the Sanitary Board Building, it should also be rescued and preserved not only as a heritage building, but as a famous landmark of Taiping.
In the good old days, the railway station was a social center , where Taipingites met to send off their parents, relatives, friends, and loved ones , and to welcome them home on arrival by train from various destinations .While waiting for the train to arrive or leave, people had the opportunity to say hallo and to socialize , and in Taiping almost everyone knows each other personally or by sight. I love this friendly atmosphere shown by the people of Taiping, not only at the railway station, but also at the beautiful Lake Gardens, at the casual market ,at the post office,at the bus terminal, or for that matter anywhere in town, and you are bound to meet someone you know, even after an absence of so many years. I am proud to be a Taipingite and I always make it a point to go back once in a couple of months to sample the best roti canai, cendol, ice kacang,laksa, popia,fried koey teow, mee kombat, you nameit Taiping has the best. A couple of decades ago there was a talk or suggestion by either the Taiping Town Council or Keretapi Tanah Melayu Bhd. (KTMB) to relocate the station and build a new one at the sight of the old Kemunting railway station, about 8 kilometers north of the town, which is now closed. Kemunting is now a developed new township and a new bus terminal built inplace of the old one in the town.
It would be a pity and a great loss to Taiping if finally the authorities reaffirm the old suggestion to relocate the heritage station to Kemunting. If this happens. I suggest that the station be preserved and not demolished. Retain the structure refurbish and rejuvinate it and turn it into a Railway Museum ,as an added attraction to draw not only local but also forign tourists. It would be a nostalgic visit for the old who have stayed and served in Taiping.
The old garage in front of the station which has been turned into a hawkers stalls is an eyesore, and should be demolished to make way for a new shopping complex .The building itself should be blended with the old architecture , in order to retain the magestic charm and beauty of the Taiping Railway Station


I refer to the letter,'Seek what can bring us together,' (nst Nov.12 ), It irked me when the writer, a Malaysian at that without any concern for the feeling and sensitivities of others accused that the government schools or Sekolah Kebangsaan are extremely or hopelessly bad and hollow in their educational standard.

That was the main reasons, according to him why Chinese parents send their children, to Chinese Schools locally and to a neighboring country where the standard of education, is very much higher both in Mandrin and English, and being Malaysian they are not bothered about learning the National Language. It is no wonder that some of them cant even converse or write in Bahasa Melayu which is foreign to them. Why seek further, when only language can bring us together,Dont we all know that 'Bahasa is Jiwa Bangsa"?

In condemning the National Schools,the writer had not only insulted and belittle the government but also, teachers, parents, past and present students. Perhaps the writer is unaware that these schools have produced top students with straight As, much better than some students from the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan all these years, and that they are today Captains of industries, top corporate figures, top government servants, professionals ,and specialists in all fields. and to prove my point all my four children, two son in laws, and two daughter in laws , are all professionals and holding good positions in government and the private sectors. They were the products of the National schools and local universities .

I suggest that the writer do some research and study the success stories of these schools before making such sweeping and insulting statement.